Laura Babst - Soziogramm-Technik

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Laura Babst

Site-Infos > Persönliches
Ein paar persönliche Fakten
Laura Maria Babst
Trained and experienced singer as well as certified psychological counselor.
     Living near Artà / Mallorca.
Laura Maria was born in Berlin, Germany.
She moved with her parents onto the island of Majorca, Spain, at the age of 6 months.  She grew up there in a country house near the village Artà, and went to a Majorcan school.
When Laura was 12 years old she started to take singing, dancing and acting lessons .
At the age of 14 she became the frontsinger of the Majorcan youth-band "40 Llamps" and acted successfully during 2 years at many places of the island on public celebrations, TV-shows, radio and theatre.
When Laura was 17 years old she left Majorca to get her 3-year professional formation at Stage School Hamburg for Professional Artists, Germany,  in the areas of music, dance and drama and completed it successfully.
Actually she is working as a freelancer singer in Europe with different projects, as for expample her new retro show "Back in Time", the best hits of the golden time era, as a studio singer.
Additionally she completed a training as a certified psychological coach. Therefore she also acts as coach for artists focused on song interpretation, monologues, stage-rhetoric, audition preparation and self-confidence strenghening.
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